Apply to be a Partner Aid Worker Organization

Do you represent a grassroots charity that is doing exceptional work to alleviate suffering in the developing world? We would love to hear from you. Simply fill out the form below, and let us know why you’d like to become a Partner Aid Worker. If you do not represent such an organization but know of one that you think we should consider, please complete the form with as much information about the organization as you can provide.

Please provide a Local Contact name, email and contact information. This can be you or another individual or organization located in the United States with whom the prospective Aid Worker has a prior or ongoing relationship. It is important that the Local Contact have sufficient understanding of the applicant organization such that they will be able to answer questions about its structure and activities when contacted by

Please provide a Local Contact name, email and contact information. This can be you or another individual or organization located in the United States with whom the prospective Aid Worker has a prior or ongoing relationship. It is important that the Local Contact have sufficient understanding of the applicant organization such that they will be able to answer questions about its structure and activities when contacted by