Education recognizes that education is key to lifting individuals and societies out of poverty and enhancing their quality of life.  There’s no shortage of data to back up the claim that education is inextricably linked to development.  To aid in the effort of afford everyone a quality education – something that sees as a right, not a privilege – we have as a main focus the promotion of programs and projects that work toward building the infrastructure and providing the means that will lead to the transfer of knowledge and exchange of ideas necessary for growth. features education-related projects and programs carried out by our overseas partners of many stripes.  We support traditional educational initiatives such as the construction of school facilities and the training of teachers, but also look to other means to help build up communities and change lives through education.  From grade-school lunch programs that help malnourished children get enough to eat so they can focus on their studies to educational classes for the elderly that assist in keeping the mind sharp, looks to a host of solutions in combating ignorance and teaching the skills necessary to compete in the modern world.  In an age where maybe more so than ever knowledge is currency, we’re proud to be a part of innovative initiatives carried out by thoughtful individuals determined to make education a priority in their communities.